Thursday, March 29, 2007


Hey sorry I havn't posted in so long, I havn't really had internet access lately and whenever I get a chance to get on blogging isn't usually the first thing on my mind. I guess I should let you guys know what happened the rest of the cruise.

Days 6 and 7

It's been so long it's hard to recount events in detail anymore, but I remember that on the way back Kevin won a crossdressing contest, Haven won a "American Idol" type contest, and it got consistantly colder as we got closer to texas. Yeah, can't think of anything more specific.

In other news we had a match meeting finally, it had been a full year since the last one. It was really great to see people again. Lots of things are going on.
I'm trying to save up some money to get a Desktop computer cuz I want to get into film editing. I would like to get into filming also but I can use other people's equipment for that, the bigger requirement is to have a computer to practice editing on. Anyway, I have some money set aside towards it but money is pretty hard to come by around here, so if the lord lays it on your heart to donate anything towards that, it'd be pretty awsome. I'm know, throwing that out there as a "what if?".
In other news we had a flood recently. It was amazing, it was pouring down rain, and we had a river flowing down the path we normally walk in-between houses on. We had a four foot river flowing where the day before there was nothing. It was quite amazing, I'd put up pictures but alas, I have none. Anyway I have to run. Sorry about my absence


At 6:14 AM, Blogger Doe said...

Heh heh, Katooie won a cross dressing contest. Cracks me up. What kind of sick, twisted contest was that anyways??? Give details my man. love you Jesse.. Be good.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Class Clown said...

humm your more like me then I thouhgt if you find 4 foot walls of devastation intresting


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