Saturday, May 05, 2007



Stem, Metanoya, and Francesco are at my house right now. Staying here before wordstock starts. Right now like 4 of them are in a drum circle banging on them darn toms and bongo's and jimbays and are making a wondrous racket.
Still despite the noise you have to be appreciative because...hey, it's Stem and Metanoya!!
I've basically met like every cool band in the family now. I haven't met Fool Moon or Spirit Tree, but I don't really care to. They weren't even cool enough to come to wordstock.
So right now Steve McNair is going kinda like..."boo doom doom BAP, boo boo boo doom doom BAP!" and Mike Drummer is going like boo doo doo doo DAP! Boo doo doo doo DAP! And one of those metanoyans (oli I think) is going dee bap, dee bap, dee bap, dee bap!

Ok do I have your attention? Good, because you'll all get a chance to meet them at wordstock. Of course I get to spend quality time with them all and you all don't. One thing I've realized is how different the rest of the world is. Most of these guys have never been to America, so we've been schooling them in the ways of the greatest country on earth. It's pretty neat. Just lastnight the guys from Stem all went out to...guess where.....WAL-MART!! Yeah, that was a "night on the town" for sure. None of them had ever been to Wal-Mart before. It was pretty darn funny. I've never met a person who's never been to Wal-Mart before.
I'm also learning alotta new things about musicians, for example, musicians can sit around for HOURS and HOURS on end talking about music. And they LOVE IT!! They could do it all their lives and not get bored. Kinda makes me glad I was the one person in my family that chose a different path than music. On the other hand if I were a musician I would get a whole heck of alot more pum, and not only that but I think I could be a musician if I ever put my mind to it.
Everyone here is getting like a good education in brown-nosing, it's pretty great. Anyway, all this to say that the musicians have been reviewed and observed by a normal average American Joe, and I am giving them a thumbs up! They are clean folks, they are good normal wholesome people. A bit eccentric but all musicians are, so I give you all permission to worship them!!


At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mommy told me "Never marry a musician."


At 5:00 PM, Blogger Xact Claims Services said...

hahahahahhahaha!!!! I can picture steve and shunnie walking down the road just staring at the trucks, roads and vans saying, "HUGE!!!" them will ya?

Hey jess, you didnt happen to see a bag that was labeled, "TO JOAN" in their lugages have you? ... if you have, how big is it?.... :D

At 5:23 PM, Blogger Class Clown said...

funny, but its kinda funnier if people know the whole brown nosing thing is a joke, otherwise it seems a little weird.

and..... you'd get more pum!!!!!! PUM!!!! that word should NEVER be used in a sentance about sex. its a word thats used about LITTLE GIRLS, not SEX.......

plus it just reminded me way to much about that nasty joke you told in the dennies (you know which one I'm talking about) :D

At 7:44 PM, Blogger Blog God said...

hahahahah, well I used to say that as well, but believe it or not the word is becoming much more commonly used.

Joan I have not seen a bag labeled "to Joan" but if I do I will let you know.

At 12:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse, your words have disgusted me. Pum? Seriously...that is a sure way of not getting a girl. It's foul, crass, and gross.

I thought better of you.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger ... said...

Have you ever lived outside the US? There are many great people in the world who have never been to Walmart.

At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are funny Jesse. And yes talking music is fun. :)

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Xact Claims Services said...


At 6:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i dont think he was writing this article to get pum ruthie. were you jesse?


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