Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Inspiration is a funny thing. It strikes at the oddest of times. As some of you may know, I'm sometime possessed to write odd little poems, limmericks. Some of you may even have been lucky enough to receive a special one just for you. Maybe one of these days I'll post one on this blog. For now though, they stay private excremations of my mind.
Anyway, today I was all alone, at a strange house in a strange neighborhood. Not entirely forigen as i'd been there before, but it was strange nonetheless. At any rate, i had been dropped off to paint as I do often. My chauffer was off shuttling other vehically challenged people, so I stood there with my roller in hand, calmly talking to myself so as to entertain my various angels and spirit helpers. I'm quite certain they were amused as I tried to guess what they were doing at that very moment. I think I hit pretty close to the mark, and I must have pleased that blessed muse from which divine inspiration is channelled, because it wasn't but a few moments later when I decided to break out in song.
Now this was no ordinary song. This was not a song which I had heard before. I did not sing the main chorus and then rapidly begin going quiet as the next verse, which I never know, comes along. No this time, the song came completly from my own head.
Unlike other times when I'm making up a song, I didn't try to stop and think of a word that rhymes with "Mechanical" or whatever other word I had used. This time, the rhyming word just came to me. I managed to sing a 2 verses and a chorus before I began to be at a loss for words. But that was long enough for me to spend the rest of the day coming up with a completly evil poem about a certain someone I live with and his vocal shortcomings.
Needless to say I was thoroughly entertained during this time I spent alone with my paintbrush and roller. Unfortunatly I had nothing to write this down on, and now most of it has been forgotten. I guess i'm lucky that it was the kinda poem i'd be "talked with" about, and probably would've caused more problems in the long run if I'd written it down.
Well this is just my little example of how inspiration comes at strange times. Maybe that's the way it works with blogging. Maybe occasionally I'll be inspired and write down a masterpiece of biblical proportions. But for now i'll just make do with whatever comes.


At 2:00 PM, Blogger Aslkajack said...

Haha, I love it. Your blog, that is. There's nothing to it, but for some reason I like it. Anyways, I just wanted to say that that seems to be an excellent idea... Entertaining Your Spirit Helpers! Talk about inspiration. Love you as always,

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ehhem well after taking a kong strangling nap (literally strangled) i didn't soak much of that in..besides the singing part.. i bless ur blog.. and make it prosperouse

At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at you blogging like you said you never would, and blogging about absolutely nothing to top it off! :P But I'm guessing I should shut my mouth if I value my place at the top of your link list. ;)

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Blog God said...

well who ever said I needed a point? Besides, I never said I never would. I said "I'll never blog until I have a life"

At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha u know it just so happens that i have one of those little things u love to write saved on this computer it is titled "My Family" (warning some people on the bennington side of family might get offended while reading this so if you offend easily, dont read :P) it reads...

My Family

Hello everybody, my name's Jesse Joe,
i'm writing this poem, so you all will know,
about my whole family, i'll name every one,
From Justin, to amy, until I am done.

Let's start with the oldest, Justin, his name,
born into a family of enourmous fame.
His dad a muscian, his mother a teacher,
learning the scriptures, just like a preacher.

Clare is the second, Paone you must know,
she travelled to russia, and only found snow.
Over-protective, and cautious perhaps,
too many a person, will fall into her traps.

The third one is David, a Paone again,
a hard working guy, and good with a pen.
Constantly arguing, a synic at heart,
but never too busy, to do his part.

Jamie is next, but last he should be,
fourth, oldest it's true, but youngest to me.
A nerd he is truly, very deep down,
But to me he will always just be a clown.

And fifth is Jason, but for how long i'm not sure,
He's accident prone, and there's no cure.
How long he will last, god only can say,
and when that day comes, his insurance will pay.

And then there is Rosie, a Bruni at last,
obsessed with a guy, with a sinister past.
A mother she'll be in 8 months or less,
a boy or a girl, just try and guess.

And what about Me, how much can I say?
a talent for writing, these poems all day.
Limmericks and sonnets, come take your pick,
i'll write you a poem, and i'll write it quick.

Then comes Benjamin, the second to last,
built like a monkey, he climbs up tree's fast.
And what's his middle name, you'll never guess,
if I tried to spell it, i'd just make a mess.

And at last we come, to Amy the Rose,
Incredibly timid, she's too shy to pose.
I'm sure she does something, but a secret it's kept,
the talent's she has, under the rug they are swept.

I hope you enjoyed this poem I wrote,
because if you don't, some weapons i'll tote.
Can you believe it, this poem is done,
now back to the subject, of getting my gun. THE END

i didnt want to add the "other" poem thing because i didnt want to ruin your dignity and/or destroy frendships.

(note. dont think that this was all jesse I helped with some if it to :D)

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Living My Fairytale said...

hahaha, that was super funny. I didn't know jesse (or ben) had any poetic talents whatsoever. I commend you. I was expecting my four lines to be much worse. Cheers to you

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Blog God said...

hahahaha! BEN! you wern't supposed to post that! Yes I wrote most of that. Some of the more clever lines were thought up by ben. Mostly just Jamies. And actualy rosie i've written quite a few of these for differnt ppl. That's what this post was about after all.

At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted that one cuz it was the polite one. Besides i looked it over and saw no reason for anyoneone to get offended, just be lucky i didnt post the "other" one

At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i really like that poem its pretty niftyical......... well well well... u know that u wrote one for me! good luck oh ye sinister


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