Friday, July 14, 2006


I've begun to have an increasing amount of respect for ppl that can post something new on their blog every day. Even if it isn't always interesting. I've even started to respect those who can keep up with once a week. I keep coming back to this increasingly lamer blog and wondering if maybe a new post could spice things up...keep it alive. I havn't really had an interesting post since before wordstock. Just isn't right. But each time I sit down to type something new I find out that nothing comes. It's a shame, really. I guess the real reason is because when I feel really inspired it's usually very late at night, and then I need to go to bed in order to wake up on time (which i've been getting in trouble for not doing lately) and so I can't sit down and write something. Although whether I do or not I don't end up getting to bed until late anyway.
Anyhow I thought maybe those of you who can't seem to shutup on your blog could maybe give some pointers on how to keep posting so much. Or maybe those of you with funny blogs could give me a tip on how to keep it fresh an interesting. Any ideas?


At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feel too bad. I think every blogger must experience this and it's about time someone did a little study to determine how long it takes the average blogger to run out of stuff to say.

You may not like my solution - even I don't always like it (which would explain for my lack of posts recently) - but I believe that the more blogs you read, the more success you have blogging. I don't know why it works, maybe it's inspiration, or priming the pump, but even Stephen King will tell you that any writer MUST read, read, read, and read some more.

At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, thats a good answer too Loxy, but if you really want to know how to keep your post "funny", "alive" and whatever else you want, the answer is.....................Go to the person's blog that you find to be "all of the above" and.....COPY.....PASTE!!

It's brilliant and everyone will be satiesfied, no one ever need know....shhhhhh

At 10:47 PM, Blogger Blog God said...

except the millions that read that persons blog.

At 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahah...believe it or not people have been caught doing it. The question is, how does one go on having any dignity afterwards?

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Class Clown said...

A good Idea is take somthing somone said on a movie or the radio or just one of your friends, then distort it so it sounds orignal and post it. Or you can do what I do and try to this of everything everyone else wont think of, that way its always fresh and tasty.


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