Monday, April 20, 2009


The title of this post can mean 2 things...most people will know immidiately what it usually refers to, and probably only Ben and David will know the other thing it refers to, but unfortunately for Ben or Dave, I'm talking about the former, not the latter.
So I went on Saturday to check out the campus of Tx-State University with my parents. The size surprised me, it's at least a mile or two from end to end, and with all the rolling hills which the campus is built on it's sure to be some great exersize getting from one class to another. We didn't get to see the dorms, but I'll see those when I go to New Student Orientation, which I still haven't picked a date for. Not sure if I should do it before or after this Indianapolis-Family Reunion trip, but I'm thinking after, too much of a headache otherwise. I've also got another test next week so hopefully I won't fail that miserably. If I do fail it blocks me from taking certain courses and I have to take some remedials. I'm pretty confident that I've got the English, and writing sections all locked up, but the math may present a problem. I suppose either way it's better to fail that section and have to start learning again than to be taking math classes in college that I'm not prepared for.

I did get some good news about the financial aid though. When you sign up for the FAFSA they give you a number called your EFC (Expected Family Contribution), I thought the whole time that this was a number used by the college to determine how much you should get in financial aid, and while that is true, it's also the actual dollar amount that you're expected to cover. My EFC is 140. So if the cost of attendance is going to be 17,000 anually, then financial aid will try to cover 16,860 dollars of that. The federal pell grant is only 5,200 (approx) but the Texas Grant is another 6,000, then they have loans and work-study programs, I'm not sure how much I'll get but I am glad that I'm still able to handle it all.

In other news we had a party lastnight, lots of alcohol (I had to drive home so I didn't drink too much), lots of old friends, a few old flames, and a pretty decent time. Unfortunately I seem to have caught something there because today I can barely talk. And since my job requires me to talk pretty much non-stop all day long (and because I would've only gotten 4 hours of sleep if I'd gone to work) I decided it'd be best all around for me to stay home today and take care of business instead. 
Anyway, that's pretty much what's been going on, sorry it's so boring, and sorry I don't have pictures of the campus, if I ever get into photography I'll be sure to post plenty, but 'till then you'll have to just settle for the written word.


At 10:37 PM, Anonymous April said...

Glad that you had fun at the party Jesse! It was nice seeing you.

At 6:46 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Hey Jesse, im happy i saw you at the party and that we chilled together....i had a great time with you! Be a good lad, and i better see you at some other party:D
Cheers!--post some pics!

At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

▲ ▲

At 5:13 AM, Anonymous Joe said...

get ur hands back on the plow.
don't backslide on ur backside...

At 1:01 PM, Anonymous joe said...

nope, not me ^^


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