Saturday, May 01, 2010

New Idea

I decided I'm going to change this blog to a blog where I basically just post on dates when I achieve something cool, or something I've been working at in rock climbing. I can't remember how long it's taken me to move up in bouldering or top roping grades, so I think putting the date down on digital paper somewhere will help me out, help me gauge progress. And since no one reads this blog anymore anyway, and we've got Facebook for important stuff, why not?

Ok so, past few months...started bouldering when school started at the beginning of the '09-'10 school year, started bouldering around a V2, and couldn't send a single 5.9 climb yet.
May 1st, 2010, the end of the '09-'10 school year, I'm bouldering V5-V6, and top roping 5.11's. Not a huge improvement, but whatever.

Most recent achievement: 4/23/10: Sent a 5.11b and a 5.11c that I'd been projecting for a while. These are both indoor routes so the grades are a bit subjective, the towers though are 54 feet so they are some pretty long climbs even if the moves aren't all that difficult.

Not a whole lot of progress on the bouldering front recently, I was hoping to get my first V7 before I left for the summer but with only 2 more weeks that's probably not going to happen. I have one more move and then the top out which I have yet to stick on the V7 I'm projecting in our gym. Like I said, probably won't get it within the next two weeks but if I do, well then that'll be cool and I'll post it on here...maybe, I may not even keep up this idea. :p


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