Thursday, May 06, 2010

McKinney Falls

Went there on Tuesday to do some bouldering with friends. Climbed some of the classics but didn't send any of those. I got a V2 and flashed some V1's, but no serious problems. Apparently McKinney ratings are harsh, they say it's graded about a full letter grade below what an equivalent problem would be anywhere else, so I guess that makes me feel a little better. Regardless, I still need to work on my outdoor bouldering because real rock, limestone here in Texas, just feels so much different than those fake gym rocks. The gym really can't prepare you too well for outdoors. I think I'm gonna try to find different outdoor boulders to climb on this summer and see what happens.
In other gym related news I got a clean ascent of this crack route I've been trying. I only tried it two times before and got it clean on the third try, so it wasn't a very difficult route. It's unrated but I'd guess somewhere around a 5.11a, nothing too difficult but it's a different style of climbing then what I'm used to. I really enjoyed it though, using different types of holds and locks in order to climb straight up the crack, using a lot more friction climbing than anything else since you really don't get good places to pull from or stand off of.
Here's a picture of the crack, it's the one on the left hand side and is about a 50 foot route.

Well that's all for now. I might go to Reimers tomorrow or Pace Bend on Saturday, possibly neither but hopefully both, if I do I'll blog about those trips as well.


At 3:04 AM, Blogger Mercy Langille said...

I've never tried rock climbing. Looks like a challenge.

And by the way, the only reason no one reads your blog is because you don't post anything.
You gotta write it if you want us to read it. :)

At 5:04 PM, Blogger Blog God said...

Lol, yeah I know, but since Facebook came along there's not much point anymore.


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