Friday, August 11, 2006

The Fun Parts of Life

Gosh, so much to do I have no idea where to begin. My sisters wedding is in 6 days...well really 5 since this day is pretty much over. That's a pretty big deal, ppl coming from all over the country (and other countries) to attend. I must say, she has a bit of popularity. Then of course with my whole family being here there will be some form of get together, which I will try my best to make it to but I can't promise anything. There's friends who wanna stay in my home during this time, wedding money to somehow scrape together, console myself that i'll be wearing the same shirt that the groom of this wedding wore to my older brother's wedding last year, that I wore to two proms, and that I wore to another wedding last year. Hey, at least it's well worn.
Something else i've been noticing is that apparently normal ppl don't go to too many weddings. In fact some of the people coming havn't been to a single one. Would you say i'm spoiled in that I went to 2 last year? I really don't think it's so many, I mean, I missed the weddings of 2 older brothers, in cali and canada. So really I should've been to more. But I guess it's just one of the things that comes standard with big familys.

One of the slightly less humorous things about this is that all of these wedding things are not exactly "home priority". What I mean to say is, the fact that my whole family will be in town for a little while is nice and all, but I still have responsibilities in my home that I CAN'T avoid. Besides that, there is the whole moving thing to deal with. To simplify this i've made a short little list of the things I have to deal with.

Working (includes, texturing, painting, pressure-washing, sheetrocking, and tiling) to name some of the bigger things.


Lifting heavy objects

Dropping heavy objects

Ruining your feet by walking bare-foot on wet concrete for 8 hours

Being attacked by ants on a daily basis

Help my old home move 6 cubic feet of cement

Help my old home drop 6 cubic feet of cement

Shovel the cement back into the wheelbarrows

Burning my feet

Breaking my flip-flops

Doing my laundry



Being vomited on by babies

Changing Diapers

Feeding a baby

Spanking a naughty child

Teaching dislexic children

Getting word time

Cleaning out swimming pools

Taking care of dogs

Working out

Finding time to talk to my friends

Finding time to listen to peoples sob-stories


Remembering all my phone numbers because I accidently took my phone into the pool and now the LCD screen dosn't work


To clarify this is my day to day stuff. Notice I didn't include anything about the wedding. It's not my wedding, and theres tons of little things about it that help fill up my day, I can only imagine what actually hosting the wedding is doing to my poor sisters brain.

Anyway, I hope with this post you all realize why posting is not something I do so regularly. Having time to post is one thing, having time to think of something to say is another.


At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...It's good for you Jesse.

Karma has a way of catching up with people. Remember those years when you were playing computer games and watching TV and movies and the rest of us were WORKING? got back at you.

But life is funny sometimes.
It's ironic don't you think?

Love you.

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Class Clown said...

Wow if Karma hit Jesse like that its gonna hit me like a ton of bricks... or a fat guy jumping of a ton of bricks... or a fat guy throwing a ton of bricks on you then jumping on them.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Blog God said...

Yeah, I suppose I deserve it, it's actually alot better than doing nothing.

Your Karma ran over my Dogma!!

At 11:15 PM, Blogger Class Clown said...


At 6:19 PM, Blogger Blog God said...

Sorry I couldn't resist

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez perspective people. Work is a constant part of life, having all your family in town doesn't happen often. Besides it's gonna be all of two days. What's the freaking deal?!

At 9:36 PM, Blogger BarbarianDave said...

The "Pun Farts of Life".....Heh!

At 1:13 AM, Blogger Blog God said...

wow...SPEAKING of brainfarts...

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Queen of Clubs said...

lol.. hey jess.. thanks for MCing with me at the wedding.. had a blast and super kewl havin seen u again... hopefully they tooks some pics :D


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