Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Boyz 2 Men

I know I havn't posted in forever. I'd like to say it's because I'm busy, which is true. But as I always say, "If something is important to you, make time for it, no matter how busy you are". So with that logic the simple and undenyable truth is that my blog is not super important to me.
Oh how I wish I could go back to being the uber-nerd who sat around a trailer playing video games all day. That boy had class. He had style. He spoke nerd, which is something that you cannot learn from a book, you have to be around those who speak the language in order to learn to speak it. Without the gift of nerdity, it can take years. I learned to speak it in weeks. What else did that guy have? No life, yes that's true, but he was relaxed.
The truth is that boy is gone. He became a young man, learned the meaning of the word, responsibilty. Learned a thing or two about loyalty. Learned what class really was, learned what style really was. Learned that he knew nothing. Learned that in order to fully understand anything you must realize that you know nothing.
This young man is tired. He ends his long day of work and wishes he could go back to being the boy in the trailer. But at the end of the day when he thinks it through, he know's he wouldn't want to go back to that life. The truth is, despite how long his day might be, and despite how tired he might feel, there is a sense of accomplishment that was not there before. A sense of fullfillment that was not there. And most of all, a happiness that was never there before.
This is why he remains where he is at. That is why he does not go back to that trailer. For now, this is where he belongs. I will not be moved!!

In other news, R.I.P. Saddam. Oh and Ford, you too. Eragon wasn't that cool.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

El Cruise!!!

Guess what everyone? I'm goin on a cruise! I'm so happy! There will be food! There will be...other fun stuff!! It will take forever just to explore the ship! Isn't that awsome? We're stopping at ports in Belize City, Cozumel, and one other place I can't remember, which means it'll be my first time leavin the country. I'm pretty excited about it and i'm sure my friends are too.
My whole home is going by the way. Twenty-Six people goin on a cruise. Will be expensive, but it's not that hard for each person to raise 400 dollars. But until that time I must work. I'm getting up in less than 5 hours, so I really have to go.