Monday, February 27, 2006

An insight into my mind

Ever wonder what I think about? Lets take a peek inside Jesse's mind for a moment shall we.

Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, CLUNK, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, CLUNK. Boy that laundry machine sure does make alotta noise. It's hard to concentrate on what i'm writing. But you know, if you think about it, I don't really have to think about what i'm writing cuz i'm just writing exactly what i'm thinking, and that requires no thought, but I had to think about that in order to write it, but I shouldn't have been thinking of it cuz if I have to think about it than it's not a natural thought, it's me thinking of what i'm writing and writing it down.
DING DONG! HEY THAT'S THE DOORBELL! I bet mari and Kevin are home, what's with kevin's long red hair anyway? is he trying to copy me or something? Seriously what's up with that? But he says he started growing out his hair before me, but I don't think he did. Sigh, michelles chat window is orange I better see what she's saying, hold on a second....ok i'm back. But i'll probably have to answer that AGAIN! Speaking of being free, I think the ultimate freedom is being naked in front of thousands of ppl but don't ask me why I think that, it's just what i'm thinking gimme a break, they're my thoughts man, if you don't wanna hear my thoughts why dont' you get the hell outta my head? Oh yeah, cuz I invited you in, well as you can see I like to talk alot in my head, if my brain were a person he'd never shutup, he'd be the most annoying person on the planet cuz he'd ALWAYS be saying something, and most of the time it'd be really really really stupid. But then he'd probably entertain alotta ppl, cuz he wouldn't care if ppl liked him or not, he'd just say what was on his mind.
Like those ppl that say that they say whatever is on their mind, it's not true,cuz they really don't say it all the time. If they did they just wouldnt' shutup, like i'm not shuting up now.
Aww man you know what, Jesse's about to cut me off, now I wont' get to say whatever I want whenever I want, and If I can't say whatever I want whenever I want then I won't get ppl to tell me what that puppy looks like and I.....

Sorry about that. My mind gets carried away sometimes. Isn't it nice to have a calm person at the keyboard? Able to control whatever he writes.
Relaxing isn't it?
Now if ever you ask me something like "what is wrong with you?" then you can go look at this post. Bye bye!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wordstock III, SAT I, DMV and other important Acronyms

Wow, i'm gonna be keeping myself busy for a while. Well First things first. I finally got a date to take my SAT, and not a moment too soon. My official testing date is April 1st at 8:00 A.M. in the Spring Highschool in Texas.
Unfortunatly in order to go I need a quality photo I.D. That means I gotta go down to the DMV and get an I.D and I gotta get it soon. It shouldn't be too much of a problem. But finding a day when there's a free driver to do that is almost impossible. I also hear I.D's can take several weeks to get to you, so It better be in time.
Anyway, when all that is handled and I take my test (and hopefully get a high enough score) then my school will send me a Diploma. And that needs to happen before March 10th. The reason? It's Wordstock III! And besides music, fellowship, food, and all that jazz, it's also going to be a location for the second Graduation/Prom. Only this time it will be for a whole lot more ppl. And I will be up there in cap and gown, just one year after my scholastically challenged sister (it should have been the same year mind you, not my fault) proudly walking up onto stage, being watched by hundreds of beaty eyes, scores of Jett, Jr, and Sr girls commenting on my rugged good looks, beautiful long hair, and godlike intelligence. And why not, after all, i'm only 16 and i'll be graduating from 12th grade (don't get me started on all the delinquints that only go till 10th grade, and it takes them longer too! HA!).
On that note let me say a short prayer that my pride will not be my downfall. Without a passing score on this test, I do not get a diploma, and I do not get to graduate, and I do not get to be adored by hundreds, and...wait, i'll still be adored by hundreds. You'd never think a nerd could be so popular. Anyway all this to say, Wordstock III will be an event you shouldn't miss, so will the taking of my test. And as for the other Acronyms I mentioned...seriously, live in the family for a week. The family needs an Acronym key. It could fill an entire book. 300 pages so you no longer get confused when someone says "i'm on the CGO board and my Home took our HER fund and spent it to bribe the CROS and the RS's to keep us on FD status and not demote us to MM or FM! But thank god we're not in the days of the RNR where, at the TTC, the VS's told us that if they cought us bribing one of them again then WS would riot and stop sending out GN's!!!"

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Moral Dilemna

I decided it's high time for a "thought provoking" post. So i'm posting this.

There are alotta people in this home that are intelligent. Intelligent people always make for good arguments. Why? Because they know what they are saying when they argue back. And there are some like me who just love to argue. I was on the way back home one day when I got into one of the first discussions with Jeremy that didn't end up as a debate.
I'm not sure who brought it up, but the subject at hand was "The War In Iraq" and whether or not going into Iraq to get Saddam out was a good idea. Most people would instantly spring up and say "No of course it wasn't". But what would you have done in Bush's shoes? Now of course they went in for completly different reasons and it wasn't to liberate the people and all that bull. But lets pretend for a minute that it was for the reasons they say. Is it right for them to start a war to depose a man who's committed attrocious crimes against humanity? Should America have even gotten involved? Or should they have turned the other way as innocent people were slaughtered?
The dilemna of "to interfere or not to interfere" is around everywhere. Some say it's wrong to interfere in the affairs of others (particularly other cultures) and some say it's wrong NOT to. Who is really right? During WW2 would you have stood idily by as Hitler slaughtered countless millions of Jews? Or would you have stepped in and taken part in a war?
It's a bit of a "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. If you step in and start a war people will say "How could Bush be such a monster? Starting wars and killing innocent people just to get one man!"
If you don't step in people will say "How can Bush be such a monster? How can he stand idly by and watch as this one man slaughters countless innocent people?"
So the question is; is it right? Or is it wrong? Does the end justify the means? Does it ever?

Saturday, February 11, 2006

14 cents an hour!?!?!

Hi guys, i'm here to complain again. Now don't take this the wrong way, just cuz i'm complaining dosn't mean i'm not thankful. I just thought that I need to post about something and well...I have nothing better to post about. As few of you may know, I spend a good 8 hours a day working. 6 days a week. Hard work too. Ok, maybe painting and drywall isn't that hard, but anyone that's done it know's how annoying it can be.
At any rate, last week I was having a hell of a day. Me and Kev were having the hardest time trying to fit a peice of drywall. No matter how we cut it something kept going wrong. By this time the power had gone out and Kevin had already electrocuted and burnt himself on a bad extention cord. Yep, it was just one of those days.
Now most working men can comfort themseleves after a long hard day with the thought of their payment at the end of the week. So I thought to myself, "Maybe that could help me get through today". Unfortunately after doing the calculation I came to one shocking conclusion. "I get paid 5 dollars a week". We decided to give the home the benifit of the doubt and only account for an average of 6 working hours a day, although we usually do at least 8. Now lets see who here's a mathmatician. Can anyone figure out how 36 hours of work a week can add up to 5 dollars? I can, and it becomes about 14 cents an hour. The homes defence for our meager payment is "your not being paid anything. The 5 bucks is just your allowance." Still, am I wrong in thinking that a guy who works more should get paid more? The guy who does no work whatsoever gets 5 dollars a week. The guy that works all day long gets 5 dollars a week. What a screwed up system we have. Maybe soon thigs will change. Until then, i'll have to practise being stingy.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

They call me "the talent"

You know once upon a time I tried my hand at art. I'm one of those guys that trys alotta stuff until I find something i'm talented at, unfortunatly art wasn't one of them. Despite it though I still draw sometimes. Not well perhaps, but that's a matter of perspective. At any rate I was helping the kids do their school the other day, and I got bored during a dry period. Kevin was drawing a foolish picture of Mari, so I decided to draw one of my own.

This is Kevin's rendition of Mari and Myself. Not a bad job, tho it looks nothing like either of us.

And here is My rendition of Kevin. Not bad, not bad at all.

Friday, February 03, 2006

PG Mom's

This is a shoutout to all you PG mommy's out there. Good luck, and god bless.

When your given a gift from god of this magnitude, it's something you'll always cherish. Don't feel bad about it, you gotta embrace it. No matter what it looks or acts like. You'll always love it. On the other hand...maybe abortion should be considered a viable option.