Monday, March 24, 2008

Not an Update

Well nothing new is going on with me, so if you're looking for juicy details about my life you've come the wrong place.
But I will say that things are doing good, life is fine and dandy. I still don't have a job yet...a little bummed about that, but all good things come to those who wait, so I'm patiently waiting. I've come to the conclusion that there's not too much I can do about what happens in my life, as far as the bigger things anyway, so I've decided to just let the chips fall where they may and enjoy myself in the meantime, so if you've had any questions to ask me about myself, I hope that works as an answer for you.
If you didn't care about it, then why are you reading my blog? HAH! Yep, gotcha there.

In other news, my brother just got an XBOX 360 complete with Halo 3 and borrowed Guitar Hero 2 from a friend.

Beat Halo pretty quickly, it's pretty cool, multiplayer is great as always.

Guitar Hero is proving to be a new addiction, as well as being fun for the whole family. My finger's haven't had such a good workout since I started trying to learn to type at 120 WPM. It also makes me feel just a tiny bit sad that I never learned to play guitar for real, because if the real thing is as fun as this, then well I missed out.

Anyway that's about it for me, if you've got anything you'd like to say leave a comment, if not then this is the part where you stop reading.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Life Lesson #431

Feel like messing with your computer's BIOS? Don't.

You might find that you're computer will suddenly shut down and not turn back on.

(Lesson's learned)
1. It's not smart to mess with things you know little about.

2. Turning off the power to your computer and then taking out the CMOS battery on you're motherboard will reset you're BIOS to factory settings thereby fixing anything you may have messed up as you were messing with the settings.