Monday, January 30, 2006


Today I went to the movie theater with a couple friends, and this other guy who nobody likes so much, but we won't get into him right now.
I noticed how completly easy it is to get a free movie. Two guys we were with, who's names will be withheld for their own protection, got to see 2 movies entirely free. And the rest of us got 2 for the price of one. We could've done this all day but it was getting late and boring.
I think i'm gonna try this practice more often. People say it's dishonest, but really, the movie theaters don't need an extra 5 bucks.

Coincedently as I write this some ppl are being "talked to" about sneaking into movie theaters, Maybe I should learn to keep my mouth shut.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


The work I do dosn't require alot of brainpower, most of it is tedious. So what do I do? I think. These are a few things I observed today.

There are more redheads in the family than I knew. And 90% of them live in my home.

Babies cry...Alot.

Babies crap...alot.

Fat people can run surprisingly fast when they have to.

Childcare is for women.

Pregnancy is becoming an epidemic.

Beans make you fart.

Mondosity is not a word.

Mondosity can be a good description for a good number of things.

Words without meanings can describe anything you want them too.

Mondosity has a meaning.

A true friend is hard to come by.

A true friend better not be hard when you cum nearby.

Any idiot can argue, but only a rare few can make a good point.

Blogging is difficult at 2 a.m.

Waking up is difficult at 8 a.m. when you went to bed at 2 a.m.

Devotions is not for sleeping.

Neither is toilet-time.

The more noise a keyboard makes the faster your typing seems.

The more noise a 16 year old roomate makes in their sleep the stupider they seem.

Sleeptalking can be an observe.

Redheads from Taiwan should be avoided at all costs.

Redheads from Taiwan should be filmed as they sleeptalk.

Redheads from Taiwan should learn to stop sleeptalking before they are filmed doing it.

Inspiration is directly related to the amount of sleep one gets each night.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My Family

This deserves it's own post. I should thank ben for posting it, since I left it on the other comp.

My Family

Hello everybody, my name's Jesse Joe,
i'm writing this poem, so you all will know,
about my whole family, i'll name every one,
From Justin, to amy, until I am done.

Let's start with the oldest, Justin, his name,
born into a family of enourmous fame.
His dad a muscian, his mother a teacher,
learning the scriptures, just like a preacher.

Clare is the second, Paone you must know,
she travelled to russia, and only found snow.
Over-protective, and cautious perhaps,
too many a person, will fall into her traps.

The third one is David, a Paone again,
a hard working guy, and good with a pen.
Constantly arguing, a synic at heart,
but never too busy, to do his part.

Jamie is next, but last he should be,
fourth, oldest it's true, but youngest to me.
A nerd he is truly, very deep down,
But to me he will always just be a clown.

And fifth is Jason, but for how long i'm not sure,
He's accident prone, and there's no cure.
How long he will last, god only can say,
and when that day comes, his insurance will pay.

And then there is Rosie, a Bruni at last,
obsessed with a guy, with a sinister past.
A mother she'll be in 8 months or less,
a boy or a girl,just try and guess.

And what about Me, how much can I say?
a talent for writing, these poems all day.
Limmericks and sonnets, come take your pick,
i'll write you a poem, and i'll write it quick.

Then comes Benjamin, the second to last,
built like a monkey, he climbs up tree's fast.
And what's his middle name, you'll never guess,
if I tried to spell it, i'd just make a mess.

And at last we come, to Amy the Rose,
Incredibly timid, she's too shy to pose.
I'm sure she does something, but a secret it's kept,
the talent's she has, under the rug they are swept.

I hope you enjoyed this poem I wrote,
because if you don't, some weapons i'll tote.
Can you believe it, this poem is done,
now back to the subject, of getting my gun.


Monday, January 16, 2006

Friday the 13th

Wow I can't believe it! I missed friday the 13th. I can't remember the last time I did that. I'm sure you all have your horror stories of what happened to you last friday, but fortunatly for me I don't have one.
Well, i've sure found out alot of things since I've been here. It seems the newest job I've been selected for is "babysitter". Believe it or not. I know for most of you watching a 2 month old baby for a 3-day weekend is something you could do with your eyes closed. But for me (who hasn't been around a baby, much less taken care of one, for about 12 years) accomplishing the task was much more gratifying. Although...changing a diaper for the first time is an experience I could've done without. I suppose I should get used to it. But i've notched up an extra decade to the "Age I want to have children" bar. Well, apart from sitting in a car for 8 hours a day, trying to calm a baby that couldn't smell more like sour milk if he was bathed in a vat of it, my weekend (and indeed my friday the 13th) was quite uneventful. I'm just glad today is monday, my freeday.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Inspiration is a funny thing. It strikes at the oddest of times. As some of you may know, I'm sometime possessed to write odd little poems, limmericks. Some of you may even have been lucky enough to receive a special one just for you. Maybe one of these days I'll post one on this blog. For now though, they stay private excremations of my mind.
Anyway, today I was all alone, at a strange house in a strange neighborhood. Not entirely forigen as i'd been there before, but it was strange nonetheless. At any rate, i had been dropped off to paint as I do often. My chauffer was off shuttling other vehically challenged people, so I stood there with my roller in hand, calmly talking to myself so as to entertain my various angels and spirit helpers. I'm quite certain they were amused as I tried to guess what they were doing at that very moment. I think I hit pretty close to the mark, and I must have pleased that blessed muse from which divine inspiration is channelled, because it wasn't but a few moments later when I decided to break out in song.
Now this was no ordinary song. This was not a song which I had heard before. I did not sing the main chorus and then rapidly begin going quiet as the next verse, which I never know, comes along. No this time, the song came completly from my own head.
Unlike other times when I'm making up a song, I didn't try to stop and think of a word that rhymes with "Mechanical" or whatever other word I had used. This time, the rhyming word just came to me. I managed to sing a 2 verses and a chorus before I began to be at a loss for words. But that was long enough for me to spend the rest of the day coming up with a completly evil poem about a certain someone I live with and his vocal shortcomings.
Needless to say I was thoroughly entertained during this time I spent alone with my paintbrush and roller. Unfortunatly I had nothing to write this down on, and now most of it has been forgotten. I guess i'm lucky that it was the kinda poem i'd be "talked with" about, and probably would've caused more problems in the long run if I'd written it down.
Well this is just my little example of how inspiration comes at strange times. Maybe that's the way it works with blogging. Maybe occasionally I'll be inspired and write down a masterpiece of biblical proportions. But for now i'll just make do with whatever comes.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Nothing of particular interest

Man what is there to talk about? Finding things to blog about is the hardest thing in the world. Originally I had assumed that having a life would mean i'd have things to write about. But then I realized that being in a home dosn't automatically mean I have a life. No, I'm gonna have to find one. But that could prove to be a challenge.

The people here are really cool. Some are interesting. Some are less. Some are fun to hang with. Some arn't. The ones who can sing, never do. The ones who can't, won't shutup. The things that are worth hearing must be pulled out. The things that arn't never stop coming. It's a nice contrast I guess. Well my time on the comp is up, and i couldn't think of anything to write. Maybe next time something will come. Until then.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Bob the Builder

Some people told me that I would regret not taking all the free time I had and using it to do something. Well you may be right in the future, but for now I havn't regretted anything yet. In fact the skill i've been using most here is one which I have known for a long time, and yet not practiced often. They seem to have discovered that i'm decent at "Handyman" type things. So for the last few days i've been doing those kinda things at an old house. It's mostly been painting and heavy lifting. Believe it or not i'm the strongest outta the three 16 year old guys that live here. And they are both older than me. Go figure.
So here's a rundown of what's been my basic day.
Wake up. Eat Breakfast. Have Devotions. Do JJT. Eat early lunch. Go to the house of the SGA couple that lives in our home. Work for 6-9 hours. Go home. Eat a late dinner. Take a Shower. Check my mail. Go to bed.
It's great, I finally DON'T have time on my hands. But I guess that's kinda the point. Ok Time for bed.

My New Blog

Yes So I finally decided to get my own blog. But I did always say that if I ever got a life I'd get a blog. These kinda things go hand in hand I guess. Now watch the cruel irony take place and i'll not be able to think of anything to write. Anyway i'm mostly just keeping this as a way for my family and friends to keep track of what's going on with me. Oh yeah, for those of you that don't know I'm in a home now. They keep me pretty busy here, even though right now i'm just a visitor. Going through what they call a "Trial Period". This way if they don't like me or I don't like them or whatever, I don't have to stay for a super long time. Ok well, as my first post this is supposed to be momentus. But it's not. I'm tired, I think i'm going to bed.