Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Well I guess it's about time to update this boring ol' blog. Not that there is really anything to post about mind you.
I'm still goin through my same old routine. Wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, chill, go to bed. Repeat.
So yeah, it's not like I have anything new to write about. But I figured it was time to move those photo's of me down a post or two. In case anyone didn't make the connection within the last month or so, the photo's meant that I got my haircut. Yeah, I know you knew that, but there might have been at least one half-wit out there who is slapping his or her forehead right now going "DUH! I can't believe I didn't realize that".

Speaking of foreheads, mine is doing well, it's been pleasantly round and acne free for quite a while now, for which I am quite thankful.
And as long as we're talking about body parts I feel obliged to mention that while I may not be doing too much "Exercise" the amount of guitar hero that I've been playing has not only increased the coordination and strength of my left hand, but also the endurance and timing of my right, as well as overall rhythm and general coordination.
Yes, all in all you can see there are many healthful benefits to video games. But I'm sure you didn't come to this blog to read about that, you came here because you wanted to see something important, something you might have cared about, something worth reading. But instead all you are going to get is my rambling. Sorry to disappoint you. Although really, if any of you really care what's going on in my life, maybe drop me a line sometime huh? You know, pick up that phone and dial my number (which I'm not going to put on the internet) right now. Because honestly there is only one of you (and you know who you are) that ever calls me, for which I am quite thankful. But as for the rest of you...tsk tsk. FOR SHAME!

Anyway, that' about it for my rambling. Take care y'all.