Friday, October 27, 2006

Bo Bo Skiaten

Look at This!!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

That it might not be forgotten!

They say good things come in three's...or is it bad things? Ah well.
In this case the three good things were a row of birthday's. Mine on the 19th, my brother Justin's yesterday on the 20th, and last Michael Paone's, today on the 21st. We all turned 17, 30, and 17 respectively.
Since this is my blog it's not right to post about my own birthday, and since Justin already has a post for his birthday here it's only fitting that I write this one about good ol' Mikey!

Happy Birthday bro! I hope you had fun at the blast, and have a rockin' birthday party, get yourself a few lapdances, and some of those little umbrella's they stick into drinks. Only one more year. This is your last chance to blame things on childish stupidity, once you turn 18 everything just becomes normal stupidity. Anyway, hope you have a great birthday, love you man!

"Beauty and the Beast"

For some reason this pictures reminds me of alotta the things we got in trouble for as kids.

There's a picture almost identical to this of me and you, only we're both like 8 years old or something, unfortunately my parents have that one, and it's not on my computer or available to me at the moment.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mmmmm Doughnut!!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

More Pictures

For some reason it wouldn't let me upload any more than 2 photo's so i'm putting more here. Genius no?

Behold the awsome-ness of the beach at night!

Mila discovering the joy's of snorkeling.

Various activites on the beach, note the crystal clear water. I've never been to a beach like that before, and I vow never to return to another beach without water so clear.

Roaming the beach. (Notice the weapons of destruction we're carrying? Many a crab met their fate on the end of those tent spikes)

Yo Ho! Yo Ho!

I just got back from my vacation in Pensacola Florida. We had a rockin time as Houston's visiting pirates. The drive turned out to last a bit longer than we thought it would. It seemed that the campground on Pensacola beach was shut down thanks to a visit from a woman named Katrina. As a result we ended up driving around for an hour trying to find our way to another campground.
We decided to go to one in a town about an hour east of Pensacola called Destin. But halfway there we realized that it would be better to go to the other campground which was about thirty minutes WEST of Pensacola. Once we got back to Pensacola beach, Mila hopped out to see if she could provision our dinner and of course didn't fail to deliver (those Aires women always get what they want). As we were waiting for our Pizza to cook a local shop owner told us that the campground in Destin was alot nicer than the one we were headed towards. Therefore it seemed that destiny had designated our destination, and that destination was decidedly Destin. (Say that four times fast).
We arrived at the campground on monday evening and left Thursday morning. It was a decent half-mile walk from the campsite to the beach, and we had quite alot of fun roaming the beaches at night, whether just to take a stroll, or to hunt for and inevitably punch the evil crustacians, whom made the shoreline their home, to death.
All in all our vacation was remarkably fun and was quite needed after the stress of moving (which still isn't over :( ). Now I know most of you won't read this post unless you see some pictures on it. You all know I don't post pictures often, but I am a blog_god of miracles. So as luck would have it...uh...I mean thanks to my divine intervention, I conjured up some photo's of our vacation.

Mike, Jono, and Kevin snug as bugs in a rug.

Poor abused Chelsey after the three Pirates (pictured above) got ahold of her.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Because lists are fun!

5 Rowdy teens

4 Days of fun

3 bottles of rum(if only)

2 SGA's

1 Awsome time!