Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The latest buzz

So for those of you who don't know, I've been excelling as an employee in the food industry for the last several months at a fine dining restaurant, (Quiznos). For those of you who don't know we happen to specialize in sub sandwiches.
Needless to say, customer satisfaction was up along with sales, and I was rapidly rising through the ranks, achieving promotions and increased salary.
Now before I go any further I have to point out that I myself was perfectly happy working there, I made enough money for what I needed, I didn't have to work too hard, and apart from my hands smelling like onions waaaaay too much it really was not so bad.
Unfortunately it turns out that most people look down on an 18 year old having a job like this. "Isn't that the kind of place where highschool kids work?" they would ask of me. Although the most common phrases were more like "'s Quizno's? (giggle, cackle, snort)". Well as you can imagine, my world started to come crashing down on my quicker than you can say 'five dollar footlong'.
To add to my shame and humiliation my younger brother (my junior by a full 2 years) began to work in the food industry as well, (a respectable establishment which shares it's name in common with an even more respectable blue hedgehog) and to my surprise/dismay, was making more money than me, due to an inordinate amount of tips.
Now you must understand that as an older sibling there is a constant need to remain ahead of my younger brother in almost all things. Winning and the appearance of dominance/superiority are crucial. Second place just will not due.
Now granted this may be a shallow, narrow-minded, and egotistical viewpoint, but it is the one I was born with, and as such it must be respected. Well of course this travesty could not be tolerated. I knew there was no way I could remain at my current quarry and get ahead of my brother financially. (And between you and me the Quiznos comments were getting a little bit old)
And so it is that I have new employment.

I have changed my specialization as well from the food industry to electronics/computers. I will begin my new job as a computer/electronic tech support specialist for the good people at Samsung Electronics on Monday. (I feel I should perhaps mention that this position is temp-to-hire, although I have been assured that because of the great need for staff I will most certainly be hired, I would feel dishonest if I did not point this out.)

Now of course there will always be the nay-sayers who will say "you should just be a waiter, you'll make more money in tips". Unfortunately I have never fancied the idea of waiting tables, firstly because it is a common cliche, that is all too readily made fact, for young people who leave the family.
That is the path trodden by the masses, and as anyone who knows me will attest, I will more often than not choose the less common, the side not often taken, even to my own detriment.
The second reason is that I could not think of a job I would rather do less than wait tables. Some people may have been made for it, I was not. (This is in no way meant to be taken as an insult to those who are in this fine profession as I am sure many are not only good at it, but enjoy it as well, but like so many things that are done en masse, it is not for me.)

This is the predominate focus of my life at the moment and as such there is not much else I can report that has been going on. I did also purchase a skateboard recently and have been attempting to learn, but...I'm no Sean White.
(Yes I know he's a snowboarder, but everyone says he looks like me so I hope you forgive me for using him rather than a more commonly revered skater such as Rodney Mullen, or Geoffrey Rowley.)

Well I hope this post finds you all in good health, don't be afraid to drop me a line sometime, as I am never too busy stop and chat...unless I am too busy, in which case I will politely request that you call again at a later hour.

Until next time.