McKinney Falls

Well that's all for now. I might go to Reimers tomorrow or Pace Bend on Saturday, possibly neither but hopefully both, if I do I'll blog about those trips as well.
Just a little corner of the internet where my family and friends can keep tabs on me, and my quest to do what I've never done before. Get a Life!
I decided I'm going to change this blog to a blog where I basically just post on dates when I achieve something cool, or something I've been working at in rock climbing. I can't remember how long it's taken me to move up in bouldering or top roping grades, so I think putting the date down on digital paper somewhere will help me out, help me gauge progress. And since no one reads this blog anymore anyway, and we've got Facebook for important stuff, why not?
As the title would suggest the topic of this post is something anyone who has the perseverance to still be coming here would already know.
The title of this post can mean 2 things...most people will know immidiately what it usually refers to, and probably only Ben and David will know the other thing it refers to, but unfortunately for Ben or Dave, I'm talking about the former, not the latter.
Okay so where to begin, haven't updated in a while. First things first I guess.
No such thing as a good friend...
So I don't know if I mentioned it in my other post, but a few weeks ago the faithful old subaru I was driving around bit the dust. To be more accurate I was chugging along when all of a sudden it started to sound like it was going to explode, sounded as loud as a train. So I pulled over and eventually figured out that one of my spark plugs was loose, no big deal I thought, so I screwed it back in and went on my merry way. But apparently it came loose for a reason, and about 20 miles later it popped out again, and this time it wouldn't go back (I later realized that the threading in the hole which the plug screws into was stripped out).
Ok so this is the 3rd time I'm trying to post this post. A good rule of thumb for posting should be that you shouldn't do it at the same time as trying to reactivate your copy of windows vista. Anyway it's all activated now so I'll get it actually posted this time.
Well I don't have anything worth saying right now, but since when has that stopped me? I sometimes wish I had pictures to post because then my blog would be interesting like everyone else that has pictures to post and have interesting blogs. But I guess I'll have to make do with words.
So for those of you who don't know, I've been excelling as an employee in the food industry for the last several months at a fine dining restaurant, (Quiznos). For those of you who don't know we happen to specialize in sub sandwiches.
Well I guess it's about time to update this boring ol' blog. Not that there is really anything to post about mind you.
Check this out, this kid is only 8 years old...or at least was only 8 when he made this video. I can't beat the song on hard, and he's doing it nearly perfect on expert.
Ever wonder what would have happened if Lucifer had been satisfied with his position in heaven? (those of you who do not believe in the biblical series of events leading up to the fall of man, including the fall of Satan himself, stop reading here.) (Those of you who do not believe in the fall of man also stop reading here)
Well nothing new is going on with me, so if you're looking for juicy details about my life you've come the wrong place.